
Disco Fever! 

Join us for our 4th Annual DAC Gala as we celebrate disability acceptance and embracing the wonderful lives of adults living with disabilities. Come dressed in your best 70’s Disco Fever attire and enjoy dinner, dancing, gaming tables, and more!


Open Enrollment!

Come and join us for a tour on our open enrollment day! We will be waiving our registration fee on this day for any family that signs up for full/part time or summer services! 
No appointment necessary just come during the hours of 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM! 

Back to School BBQ!

Join us in celebrating Disability Acceptance for everyone by supporting our BBQ!

More information to come soon! 

Registration / Sponsorship - Coming Soon

Holiday Extravaganza

Every year we open our center to the community for this wonderful holiday party! Click here to sponsor this event or to reserve a general adminssion ticket!

Choice Living



Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a day activity center that continues to deliver innovative and individualized programs to advance the achievement and knowledge for adults living with disabilities in the areas of vocational, life, and social skills.